Camp Survey From the Parent's Viewpoint How would you rate your satisfaction in the following areas: You received adequate information regarding the camp program: No OpinionVery UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor UnsatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOther Online forms were clear and easy to read: No OpinionVery UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor UnsatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOther The online registration process was easy to understand: No OpinionVery UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor UnsatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOther You felt the camp was well run: No OpinionVery UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor UnsatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOther Your child enjoyed their camp experience: No OpinionVery UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor UnsatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOther The camp-day was an appropriate length: No OpinionVery UnsatisfiedUnsatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor UnsatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedOther From the Student's Viewpoint On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest, and 5 being the highest, how would you rate your enjoyment of the activities shown below: How would you rate the Ensemble Demo Class (instructors' open rehearsal): No OpinionBoringNot InterestingKind of InterestingFun and Learned SomethingVery Informative and FunOther How would you rate the Chamber Music Concepts Class (large group ensemble class): No OpinionBoringNot InterestingKind of InterestingFun and Learned SomethingVery Informative and FunOther How would you rate the rehearsals: No OpinionBoringNot InterestingKind of InterestingFun and Learned SomethingVery Informative and FunOther How would you rate the coachings: No OpinionBoringNot InterestingKind of InterestingFun and Learned SomethingVery Informative and FunOther How would you rate the Masterclasses: No OpinionBoringNot InterestingKind of InterestingFun and Learned SomethingVery Informative and FunOther How would you describe the final performance: No OpinionVery ScaryHappy to Get Through itKind of FunFun and RewardingVery Fun and RewardingOther How would you describe the lunches: No OpinionNot Very GoodIt Was OKNice to Get a BreakGood Food and Fun with other CampersOther Parents and Students Final Questions Would you recommend this camp to others? I Don't KnowMaybeYesNo Would you like to come back next year or send your child back to this camp next year? I Don't KnowMaybeYesNo What was the best part of Camp? What was most memorable? What could we change so that camp is even better for next year? Is there anything you would like to tell students and/or parents who are interested in this camp? We welcome additional comments: Share Your Photos! If you have some photos of the camp, please share them below!Please click on the "Choose File" button to select your photos.